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Absolute Play Team

Passionate Playground Professionals

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James Chalk

Passionate about Play

After 17 years of designing outdoor play and sporting facilities, I still can not believe I get to do this for my job! I have a genuine passion for being outdoors and will jump at any chance for a camping trip! The Swiss Alps being my favourite camping spot! 


I have been a keen skateboarder since I was 11 years old (many, many moons ago) and know very well, how important it is to have spaces for people to Play, meet, learn and grow, my lifelong friendships where made at my local skatepark.


I have 18 month old Twin boys, who are keeping me on my toes. It’s fascinating watching them grow and learn (the lack of sleep, not so much fun!) I studied Art and Design at college and feel truly blessed to be able to apply my design background to designing Playgrounds. Working with school councils is a real highlight for me and I am always amazed by the fantastic ideas the children come up with!


Most of my Designs....

We all have our own signature style and way of creating designs, I love creating flexible spaces that offer scope for the future and endless opportunities, often these are made up of clever use of landscaping, different textures and lots of defined zoning. A well zoned space is an easily managed one, which both teachers and children benefit from!

Lizzy Krauss

Dedicated to Design

I have always been extremely active with a love for the great outdoors. I grew up in the countryside and as a child was encouraged to spend as much time outside as possible, whether it be creating dens, playing sports or exploring I quickly learned the importance of this time and it has helped shape my life as an adult.


Following the completion of my Degree in Product Design at the University of Leeds, I spent the next 6 years travelling the globe, spending my summers sailing, wakeboarding and hiking and winters snowboarding! I eventually found my place as part of Absolute Play, which instantly felt like home and a place I could share my passion for play and outdoor exploration but also use my design degree. Not only do I get to do what I love everyday but there's nothing more rewarding for everyone than seeing your designs come to life and seeing children benefit from something you helped create. It truly is a dream situation!


What is my favourite product...

I'm a bit of a traditionalist at heart and I always lean towards playground classics, they've stood the test of time and for good reason! A few of these items include, parallel bars, roll over bars and monkey bars...all fantastic examples of equipment that provides challenge and physical development in so many areas!

Tom Dean

Exceptional Customer Care

If someone had said to me as a child that I could design playgrounds for a living I wouldn’t have believed them.


As a child I valued playing outdoors more than anything else whether it be on a rope swing or playing football at the park, I still value this now and in today’s technology filled world and I am pleased my children are the same and love being outdoors and playing in their surroundings.


At school I loved design and took that passion to University to study Creative Product Design. Now at Absolute Play I am able to utilise those skills along with my passion for outdoor play. I’ve always had a passion for sport and in particular motorsport, so you’ll most likely find me near a race track enjoying the action.


Playing sport at school is crucial for any child’s physical development and I really enjoy being able to help bring that element into a school setting in the best way possible. I’ll always aim to create an open-ended play space for children to  provide endless fun and opportunities, ranging from the amazing play towers to a bikes and trikes roadway.


My Favourite thing about Absolute Play...

The client comes first EVERY time! The Children and Client are at the heart of what the whole team does, we pride ourselves on top notch customer service - a truly consultative and supportive approach.

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